Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Book Wednesday- 5/11/14

Ah the heady days of half term are over and the second part of the Autumn term is in full swing! I have had one INSET day and one teaching day (and a parent consultation evening) and I am exhausted already!

Currently Reading
Sleuth on Skates by Clémentine Beauvais- I love reading books set in Cambridge and this is an interesting tale of a super sleuth on skates. 

Revisiting the Reading Workshop: A Complete Guide to Organizing and Managing an Effective Reading Workshop That Builds Independent, Strategic Readers by Barbara Orehovec and Marybeth Alley- I am very interested in enhancing the teaching of reading at school and in my classroom and I am intrigued by the reading workshop approach I have seen mentioned a lot online.

Read this Week

First Light by Rebecca Stead- This was a random purchase in Heffers and I am quite glad I did as I couldn't put it down. The story tells of a parallel world hidden under Greenland and shows what happens when two worlds collide. I loved the fantasy elements of the story as well as the science commentary on global warming. A great read for upper key stage 2.

The Pirates Next Door by Jonny Duddle- a visual feast of a book that shows pirates aren't that bad after all!

Lots of fantastic teaching blogs- so much inspiration out there! If you have a education/ children's literature focused blog please feel free to leave your link below and I will come and visit!


Witch Wars by Sibeal Pounder and Laura Ellen Anderson- I saw Robin Stevens mention this on Twitter and so had to add it to my wishlist but it looks like it isn't out until March! Argh the wait!

What has been on your reading list this week? Do you have any recommendations to share? I can't wait to read your comments!


  1. I'm loving this weekly post! We had an author vist this week from the lovely Jackie Marchant- her books went down a storm with all of KS2 and my year 2- have a squint at 'I'm Dougal Trump and that's not my tarrantula'. I'm eager to know how you find the reading workshop book

  2. Aww thanks for the feedback Laura, I am finding it fun to write! So far the book is good but I haven't been able to read much the last few nights as I have stayed at school late to get some work done but I will get reading this weekend. :)
