Sunday, 2 November 2014

Currently- November (and some reading thoughts)

Currently... is something I have seen around for a while and I thought it would be a lovely way to share sneak peeks into the life of a paper obsessed teacher. This is hosted by Oh Boy Fourth Grade and I cannot wait to go and see what everyone else is up to!

This week I have had a week off for half term and as usual I had grand plans but illness at the start of the week meant I haven't achieved everything I wanted to. But never mind as I had a bit of a rest and managed to work some more on my home office/ craft room in the new house. I don't know any other teacher who has as much teaching stuff as me (hoarder perhaps and an explanation for where my money goes!) so please I would love to see pictures of your work areas at home! I cannot help that books are my weakness!

My soundtrack of the week has been a playlist I created on Google Play and I love the mix of Dolly Parton, Span, McFly (ssh don't tell anyone!) and Caro Emerald!

I have been reading with interest some blogs about Reading Workshops and because a personal professional development target is to look closely at my teaching of reading this term I thought it might be something to investigate so I ordered a book focused on Reading Workshop and look forward to reading. I am also interested in the ways people are teaching whole class reading and guided reading so if you have any links to share please leave them in the comments!

Have a good week!


  1. Congratulations on starting this new blog! I like the name and I'm curious to see what a paper obsessed teacher blogs about :)
    Hope you enjoy the reading workshop book you ordered!

    Cheers from Brazil,

    1. Thanks so much for the comment Lucy! I promise I shall be sharing lots of stationery and book related goodness!

  2. We have the same 'wanting' - one week is just never enough! You'll have to let me know a bit more about that Reading Workshop book as the teaching of reading is a huge focus in my school at the moment!
    Growing Little Learners

    1. I will Pixie Anne, I am hoping it arrives soon so I can read a bit before school restarts.

  3. What book did you order?? There are so many good ones out there! I love reading books about reading. I taught guided reading for 15 years and it seems like I learned something new to add or change every year! Good luck!
    Joya :)

    1. Hi Joya I got this one 'Revisiting the Reading Workshop: A Complete Guide to Organizing and Managing an Effective Reading Workshop That Builds Independent, Strategic Readers' as the reviews seemed good so I hope it has some good theory and strategies to begin with! Do you have any recommendations?

  4. I'm trying out some of the Daily 5 things during my Guided Reading time to try and develop some independence- let me know if your book is any good. We have also just started Accelerated Reader- does your school have that? I'm with you and Pixie- I need another week! Hope Monday's get up isn't too painful! Have fun- Laura Xx

    1. I will do Laura. Daily 5 is another on my radar so any thoughts you have I would love to hear! No we don't have Accelerated Reader but I keep hearing good things about it from subject leader briefings etc but is it a big outlay in the beginning? Here's to a fab new half term!
